Michael Michalko who writes The Creativity Post and offers these 12 things you were not taught in school.  Here is the list of aspects of creative thinking you might not have been taught in school and here is Michael’s whole list with specifics.

  1. You are creative.
  2. Creative thinking is work.
  3. You must go through the motions of being creative.
  4. Your brain is not a computer.
  5. There is no one right answer.
  6. Never stop with your first good idea.
  7. Expect the experts to be negative.
  8. Trust your instincts.
  9. There is no such thing as failure.
  10. You do not see things as they are; you see them as you are.
  11. Always approach a problem on its own terms.
  12. Learn to think unconventionally.


There is a very interested infographic of the 18-29 year old Millennials.  Note, 86% of those Millennials who invested in higher education feel it has been a good investment. 50% of those currently in school would like to earn a graduate or professional degree afterwards.  Seems to me, there’s an opportunity to promote online learning to this demographic.

Another good area to study is their Lifestyles.  According to this source, 75% are on a social networking site and 74% feel technology makes their lives easier.  This is even more good reason to expect Millennials are primed and ready to tackle higher education online.

Please watch my presentation on how PressBooks can assist you in creating digital eBooks & ePapers for use in your teaching. Creating eBooks & ePapers is quick, easy, and the formatting allows a comment functionality which enables you and your students to collaborate within the content you create.

Below is an example of an eBook I created using PressBooks. Click here to open my eBook online or  you may also download my eBook in PDF format.

Here is another brief tutorial on the particular steps to Collaborating with PressBooks.

I lived in Beijing for fifteen years and the pollution is one of the primary reasons I returned to the United States. The image above is what the city can look like both on a ‘clean air day’ and a polluted one. The image below is what I remember in downtown Beijing, on most days.  In fact, it seemed there were fewer and fewer ‘clean air days’.

NPR has done this investigation, which describes inside air quality being “…five times higher than the level considered safe by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.”  Listen to the story here as well.  NPR Beijing Pollution 12-7-11

I’m often asked how I keep abreast of the changes in technology.  Interest is my number one response.  Ever since earning my Masters Degree in Media Studies from The New School, NYC, I’m fascinated at how people use technology.  So, in order to keep current, I snoop around, ask questions, read a variety of blogs [like Mashable for example], and I attend  conferences and/or present at them.

Here’s a good article for those seeking to find some new digital media resources. 45 of them in fact.