“Teaching’s primary purpose should be to ensure that every student graduates ready to tinker, create, and take initiative.”
What if quizzes measured kid’s ability to question, not answer?
What if a math class’s textbook was replaced with open-ended, thought-provoking opportunities to question the world around us?
What if -within a teaching day- teachers were able to strike a balance between art and science; considering the art as the relationship the teacher built with the kids, and the science as the assessment that generated real evidence of student growth?
What if teachers tracked narratives of a student’s progress? And used a handy management tool to capture anecdotal notes and evidence of student growth?
What if teachers were able to identify and analyze students’ strengths and skill gaps; continuously? And were able to turn classroom data into plans of action?
What if teachers taught their students how to do this type of thinking, so the student could be self-directed?
“We live in a world where information is growing exponentially. Let’s use tinkering and initiative to foster more creativity.”