One more reminder to get your product/service out into the marketplace so you can begin learning.  Market without fear. The longer an idea stays on the table, the less chance the business has for success, says Sean Devine, CEO of CourseSmart.

Don’t change the vision, pivot to a new strategy.  Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup,  coined the term pivot and here he is explaining the term. Watch and learn how YouTube, Twitter and Groupon abruptly changed course before they achieved success.  If they hadn’t pivoted, YouTube would have been a dating site, Twitter would be a podcasting website and Groupon would still be organizing political protests.

Over the past week I have been participating in Jennifer Lee’s, Right-Brainers in Business 2012 Video Summit.

This 2 week FREE video summit is chock full of information to help you take your business to the next level and Jennifer has pulled out all the stops to bring a range of people, to her summit, as both presenters and participants.  What I love about Jennifer’s style is she caters to the right-brainer in all of us….something I can fully relate to. I’ll let Jennifer explain her summit.

In the meanwhile, I suggest you sign up NOW for a free seat.  Also check out the Right-Brain Business Plan on Facebook.

I have been learning so much about how to bring to market some products and services I plan to release to the world in 2012.  Additionally, I am learning about so many new people, connections and concepts…I really wish you would join us at the summit.