Savasana = Nap

SavasanaI practice Bikram Yoga which is done in 104 degree temperatures and between 40 and 60% humidity. 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises.  Roughly the first 45 minutes are warm up to what Bikram calls ‘The real yoga!’

During the second half of class we do postures and in between we have savasana, which literally means: corpse pose.  I’m told we have 20 second savasanas in order for our blood to circulate once throughout our bodies.  Seems plausible.

It’s like a tiny nap…..and naps are the real reason for this post.  I LOVE naps.  Naps are highly under rated in the United States.  When I moved to China, in 1990 [and first visited in 1987] daily between 11 and 2 the entire country took a rest time.  European nations know this ritual as well and it is based on sound logic.  Our bodies do better with   some rest.

And after going full on, usually from 4:45 am….by mid-day I am ready for a savasana.  I usually can pump out more productive activity after just 20 minutes of rest.  On the weekends I attempt to push that time out to 45 or 60 minutes of nap time.

Try it yourself and let me know how it works for you.  I’m willing to bet you’ll be more productive, rested and happier….and you’ll be more inspired.