Yoga Posture Clinic

standing bow

Last Sunday, I spent 8 hours in a hot room [I mean really hot-like 105 degrees of hot] studying Bikram yoga postures with Diane Ducharme of West Roxbury, MA.  Diane was amazing!  Her energy is other worldly, matched only by her ability to move her body.

standing head to toeA

We all learned to move our bodies in new and unusual ways. Case in point, as Diane helps a student move thru a 360 degree forward bend.

standing head to toeB

By pulling on our heels, tightening up our quad muscles, we are able to pull ourselves into what amazingly feels good.  No really, trust me on this.  If you’ve never stretched like this, you should try it sometime. This bending motion stretches the legs, hamstrings, lower back and upper back….all while working out the biceps.

Which is good, considering that is what we came to do.  After the 6+ hour clinic, we did our usual 1.5 hour practice.  That last 1.5 hours flew by like nothing I have ever felt before.  Quite amazing!  Now, where is the Advil?